Discover the Forbidden Sales Page Copywriting Formula that Pulls in 6-Figures Effortlessly!
For Funnel Builders who want to get an Instant Spike in Sales for their Client Funnels!
Imagine this…
You closed a Client for Funnels.
Ka-ching. $997 received.
You got paid in full
You’re excited.
You know exactly what’s next,
You know the exact things that will solve the client’s problem,
Time for work,
You sit down,
Spend the first few days pulling out the best design…
The sales copy?
You hire a copywriter (an expensive one),
He does the copy for you.
You just plug and play the words.
And boom, you have the funnel ready to rock and roll.

It’s time…
You completed the project.
Now it’s time to hit send… and deliver.
You’re excited.
Your client sees the funnel.
He’s like, “THIS is freaking dope, bruv.”
You’re Pumped.
Like Super Pumped.
You then watch Hormozi that night.
You feel like the best funnel builder alive.

A couple days later…
You get a text from your ex-client,
“Bruv, the funnel you built got me 0 sales. Can you help me fix this? Pls reply asap!!!!”
– ‘F*CK!’
– ‘How on earth… ?’
You’re confused.
I’m glad you asked.
Two factors…
First, your client didn’t send much/any qualified traffic.
Second, the Sales Page Completely Sucked.
85% of the time it’s the latter.
Thing is, you failed to build a “High Converting” Sales Page.
Yes, you paid big bucks for the copywriter,
But the conversions?
The copy was decent, but it was not written to the ‘ideal market’.
(your copywriter skipped the market research part. That son of a …)
And the sales page structure?
Ah, it sucked too.
No proven framework. Just text and visuals.
The bloody nightmare…

It has begun.
Your client starts messaging you left and right.
*more revisions*
*and some more*
And finally, you are fed up.
‘This is too much.’
It’s been a week since you’re ‘re-working’ on that same project.
That’s some “The beginning is the end” kind of shit going on.
That’s a Nightmare, not even kidding.
Felt like, I was the most awful funnel builder alive.
Couldn’t deliver shit.
Made the money from the client, but it just doesn’t feel right,
… to move on to the next client.
And restart that cycle.
Why even build funnels if they do not convert?

I DIDN’T WORK with any Clients until I made sure my Funnels started Converting.
For the next couple of months, all I did was…
Learnt how to REALLY convert random people into buyers – via landing pages.
I enrolled into Funnel Coaching programs.
Read a shit ton of advertisements that made millions.
Tested selling affiliate products via funnels.
Got connected with some G-copywriters.
Worked as a funnel designer in a 7 fig-agency.
It was back in 2020.
That is when I got my biggest ‘AHA Moment’.
I started getting confident. (a little)
Planned to work with 1-2 beta clients.
– Just to see where I stand.
And after putting in what I’ve learned,
AND writing over 2300 words of content for this first client,
… he generated $17k in just 7 days.

THAT IS pretty freaking dope, isn’t it?
And then deployed the same formula on an Indian Course.

28x RETURNS from ONE sales page!
Took what was working,
and put it on another funnel…
$68k made with just $1.3k Ad Spent for a client.
(full case study on my agency homepage)

This is for a business coach with one Funnel.
We started getting INSANE Results for our Clients.
NOW HOW ABOUT THAT – all of a sudden?
What’s the secret?
Nothing complicated.
It’s all because of the copywriting systems I borrowed from the top Gs.
I Discovered why the best copywriters could write High-Converting Copy FASTER and EASIER than ANYONE else!

It was because of One Secret System.
And lemme tell you this,
They do not write copy from scratch.
They have.. um, stuff… that they plug and play.
And it pulls in BIG bucks – INSTANTLY.
Also… it’s NEVER about luck.
They build sales pages that ALWAYS convert.
Magical right?
Thing is,
They follow The Sacred Art and Science of Sales Pages.
That’s not known to 95% of the Sales Funnel Builders. (legit!)
It has nothing to do with how “good” of a writer you are.
Sales Page Copywriting is not Just Writing Good Literature.
It’s Knowing what to Write.
And to ‘Structure a Page in a Proven Sequence’ – so that you can get your audience to BUY.
Quick question.
Do you want to know how you can avoid ever having to face the ‘blank page stare scenario’?
Which means no more…
Staring at a blank sheet and thinking what to write.
Struggling to find the right words.
Not being able to structure the page content.
AND let me get this straight…
Most copywriters, including the “experienced” ones have no clue this secret system even exists…
They rely entirely on “creativity” to write high-converting sales copy, which is a COSTLY mistake!
It’s extremely time consuming.
I don’t do that.
Neither should you.
Rather, use Frameworks.
and Systems…
THAT make things so much simpler!
(I wrote this sales page in less than a day with my ‘frameworks and systems’)
Not just that, this EXACT sales page Copywriting Framework is responsible for over $3.7M in sales for our clients!
So to every funnel builder reading this…
Here’s my 2 cents…
The Ability to Design Pages will become a Commodity.
Add value to this skill.
Learn Sales Page Copywriting!
That’s how you STAND OUT.
Tools can only get you so far. But this skill…
This skill can Virtually Guarantee that you never run out of money.
So here’s the deal…
After getting so many messages from people wanting to learn my secrets… Today, I’m opening my secret system to YOU,
My sales page conversion frameworks & secrets…
Revealing the Sacred Sales Page Copywriting System that has been Proven to convert for ANY Business Models Online!
The Progressive Copywriting Formula

THIS System is the bridge between a Sales Page that Sucks to a Sales Page that Generates Money from Day 1.
This bundle can change not only your copywriting ability and your business income, but also your entire life.
And I mean it!
It’s worked like magic in my own life and in the lives of many people I’ve shown it to.
It’s for YOU, if you want to…
Build High Converting Sales Pages that coverts insanely even on Cold Audience.
Master influencing through stories. (Facts tell, but stories sell.)
Know exactly what and how to write to sell practically ANYTHING!
These are the insights that I discovered “in the trenches” as a direct result of spending my own money, time, and resources to help my clients.
Contains everything that you’d EVER need to research, write and build sales pages that makes you BIG BUCKS,

It’s the closest thing possible to getting a “Done-For-You” Sales Page Copywriting System that is designed to CONVERT.
Yep, you can now Swipe my Proven Process!
This bundle is based on my personal experience working with over 60 clients – building them over 100 high converting funnels & generating over $3.7 Mil in sales!
It’s the exact playbook I wish I’d had when I started and I would rather uninstall FIFA from my PC than disappoint you.
Now, to what’s going on in your mind right now…
“So Kreett… How Much Does This Cost?”💰
“Everything sounds great, KK – and obviously I want your copywriting system – I mean who doesn’t!” 🙂
“The price please?”

I’ve kept an extremely no-brainer price.
Two reasons.
First, selling info products is NOT my core revenue model.
I don’t sell info stuff with the sole purpose to make big bucks – even though I’m good at it.
Secondly, I only create and launch info products when I’m confident I have something *special* to share with my fellow entrepreneurs, marketers & funnel builders…
– stuff that no one else shares.
Lastly, here’s my GIFT for anyone who gets The Progressive Sales Page Copywriting Formula TODAY…
Bonus 1: 13 Secret Copywriting Frameworks
Valued at $75
13 Frameworks to accelerate your sales page copywriting & get more sales.

Bonus 2: 50+ Swipe Files (Landing Pages)
Valued at $49
Access to a vault of 50+ landing pages that you can take inspiration from.

Bonus 3: 10 Canva Digital Mockup Templates
Valued at $57
Digital product mockups that’ll make your product look gorgeous & premium.

The PROgressive Copywriting Formula.

Price: $380
Want me to knock the price down even further?
Here’s the PRE LAUNCH deal for TODAY!
The entire Progressive Copywriting Bundle for only $330 $19 One-Time.

Click here to buy from India
Steal the ability to crank out as much copy as your heart desires – faster and easier than you can possibly imagine for just $19.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee…

If you’re skeptical about what this BUNDLE can do for you, then let me help put your worries to rest: I’m giving you 30 days to take the training and put it into practice. See how the landing pages you write perform.
If you do not see an increase in conversions by applying this training… you get all your money back! I shoulder all the risk for you. There’s zero risk involved on your end.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I get an instant access after I make the payment?
Yes, you’ll get instant access to the eBook guide along with all its bonuses.
I've never sold funnels before, can I get this guide?
Yep! This is made for funnel designers – both newbie and intermediate.
Is there any upsell inside?

Click here to buy from India
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